We have a monthly men's fellowship breakfast, hiking and biking opportunities, and multiple service events throughout the year.
Women's bible studies (6-8 week series) multiple times a year. Many service opportunities and events within the church and in our community.
Our Youth Pastor has assumed the Lead Pastor role and we are prayerful for a new youth leader!
Click on the picture above to view the Mid-Atlantic District NYI website (where camps, trips, and service events abound)!
Our current Children's Church curriculum is "The Gospel Project". From Genesis to Revelation, it celebrates the redemptive plan that unfolds throughout all Scripture. We believe the gospel ultimately draws us to community and helps us develop a culture that is saturated by grace and the gospel.
Community Outreach is something we are very passionate about at LCOTN! We have many local partnerships and service opportunities to Be the Presence of Christ in Our Community, where He has strategically placed us. If you would like to get involved please contact Stacey Hill!